Saturday 6 November 2010


Was a bit surprised that the tutors really loved the idea of using an apple, now i just gotta find ways to adapt it to an arcade. Heres some logos i drew this morning in the style of symbols on a fruit machine reel;

They need neatening up but im a bit ill atm which means all i want to do is sleep a lot and listen to heavy metal loool. Done very little work this weekend, but i have thought of a few initial ideas of how to adapt apples to a arcade without slot reels. (slot reels say more casino don't you think?)

Bottom two i made out of glowsticks, then photoshopped them. I want to try using the bell effect on my slr to record movement of drawing with them, but that's gona take a little longer.


  1. lolo doooooont be ridiculous lauren! the only reason she liked my work is cause i coloured it in haha, she seems to really like it when you do that. so colour like the windddd it worked for kevin too xx

  2. ah I know! I coloured my maps in too! x
